The Middle Assyrian Empire starts from the accession of Ashur-uballit I c. 1365 BC and the rise of Assyria as a territorial kingdom. At this date the Assyrian army was probably still organised into a seasonal, pre-reformed army in which Hurri-Mitannian practice was the strongest influence. Following the reforms of Tiglath-Pileser III and before the major changes of the later Sargonids the old royal household forces of the kisir sharruti formed the basis of a new professional army, consisting of the royal guards regiments, regular regiments of the home army from Assyria proper, foreign mercenaries and the corps of deportees. The troops of the kisir sharruti "royal corps" included the guards regiments, the elite home regiments of the Ashshuraya, Arraphaya, Aramaya, Arzuhinaya and Arbilaya, the "foreign legion" or Shaglute, the elite Samaraya from conquered Israel, the redoubtable Aramaean Itu'aya and Gurraya, and provincial regiments, such as the Kaldaya and Pilistaya. Provincial contingents joined on the march. The field army was divided into 5 or more all-arms corps, or emuqia, named after major deities and led by their standards. Armies were normally drawn up with a vanguard, main battle-line in two wings, and a rearguard. The key to Assyrian success was the combination of excellent intelligence and communications with the superbly-equipped, well-trained and highly-mobile equestrian forces, guards regiments and regular troops of the field army. Provincial forces were small, but revolts and invasions were crushed by the rapid response this system allowed. The Assyrian field army took its final form following the expansion of the guards and other elite regiments of the kisir sharruti by the later successors of Sargon II. Regiments added to the kisir sharruti during this period included the Gimmiraya, Madaya and Musraya in the reign of Esarhaddon. The latter, and doubtless the Elamaya, were also greatly expanded by Ashurbanipal. The probable introduction of infantry shield-wall tactics likewise took place in this period.

This range has been realized by Scropha Miniatures, based on their own study and research. The handmade individual design and 3D printing technology allows them to develop their own characteristic style, versatile for 15mm and 28mm, with great detail and functionality, but without losing the personality of each model.
We print them on demand with very high definition machines using our own blend of different resins to achieve superb detail and
plastic like material properties.
Please ote that if you prefer to ass your own metal spears, ALL THE FIGURES in this range are available without spear on request!

Scropha Miniatures are LARGE 15mm that would mix well with Xyston and Legio Heroica (sometime referred to as 18mm).
Also available as 1:72 - 28mm or 1:35 on demand!

Code: SMASS00
Assyrian Royal chariot

Based on a relief depicting Sennacherib on campaign in his war chariot, 730BC-727BC, inv 118908 British Museum, London. Click on the image for more pictures!

Pack include one 15mm heavy chariot (1 king's chariot + four different horse + 4 crew):
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS00 - 15mm Assyrian King's chariot

Code: SMASS01
Assyrian heavy chariot

Heavy chariots took on new roles compared the earlier lighter vehicles, being able to close with and successfully engage enemy infantry formations. Based on a relief panel showing an Assyrian war chariot. From the palace of Ashurnasirpal II room VI/T1, Nineveh, third quarter of the 8th century BC. inv 19909 Louvre Museum , Paris. Click on the images for more pictures!

Pack include one 15mm heavy chariot (1 heavy chariot + four different horse + 4 crew):
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS01 - 15mm Assyrian heavy chariot
SMASS01 - 15mm Assyrian heavy chariot

Code: SMASS02
Assyrian light chariot

While the reign of Ashurbanipal witnessed the introduction of the heavy four-horse chariots the traditional smaller and faster vehicles, mainly intended as mobile archer platforms, remained in common use throughout the period especially by Assyrian vassal states. Click on the images for more pictures!

Pack include one 15mm light chariot (1 chariot + two different horse + 2 crew):
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS02 - 15mm Assyrian light chariot
SMASS02 - 15mm Assyrian light chariot

Code: SMASS03
15mm Assyrian heavy infantry

Native Assyrian infantry was organized in close order elite shock units (including the famous Sha Qurbute or Sha Massarti footguards regiments) and were equipped with bronze helmets, large wooden shields (most likely covered in painted leather, with metal edges and a central metal boss to cover the handle), wear bronze scale armor and were armed with short spears and swords.
Separate shields are included in random groups of 4 identical ones out of all the historically accurate types shown.
If you have would prefer differently please just let us know when you order!

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of eight different poses (separate shields):
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS03 - 15mm Assyrian heavy infantry
SMASS03 - 15mm Assyrian heavy infantry

Code: SMASS04
15mm Assyrian heavy archers

Assyrian close combat infantry was supported in battle by large numbers of archers. As many as half of the footguards may have been deployed as bowmen but they still wear bronze helmets and scale armor, and were also armed with and skilled in the use of the sword.

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of eight different poses:
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS04 - 15mm Assyrian heavy archers
SMASS04 - 15mm Assyrian heavy archers

Code: SMASS05
15mm Assyrian auxiliary infantry

The majority of infantry in Assyrian armies was made up of non Assyryan troops from vassal states, the "Infantry of the battle-array". They wear bronze helmets, circular breast- and back-plates, wide bronze belts and used lighter shields.
Separate shields are included in random groups of 4 identical ones out of all the historically accurate types shown. If you have would prefer differently please just let us know when you order!

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of eight different poses (separate shields):
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS05 - 15mm Assyrian auxiliary infantry
SMASS05 - 15mm Assyrian auxiliary infantry

Code: SMASS06
15mm Assyrian auxiliary archers

The majority of Assyrian troops would be archers. Many different types of bows are recorded by the Assyrians, including Akkadian, Cimmerian and their own "Assyrian" type. However, it is most likely that these were simply different variants of the powerful composite bow.

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of eight different poses:
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS06 - 15mm Assyrian auxiliary archers
SMASS06 - 15mm Assyrian auxiliary archers

Code: SMASS07
15mm Assyrian siege troops

More than anything else, the Assyrian army excelled at siege warfare, and was probably the first force to carry a separate corps of engineers. Assault was their principal tactic against the heavily fortified cities of the Near East. They developed a great variety of methods for breaching enemy walls: sappers were employed to undermine walls or to light fires underneath wooden gates, and ramps were thrown up to allow men to go over the ramparts or to attempt a breach on the upper section of wall where it was the least thick. Mobile ladders allowed attackers to cross moats and quickly assault any point in defences. All these operations were covered by masses of archers, who were the core of the infantry, and were brought forward behind the cover of giant reed shields, to clear the battlements from defenders.

Pack include a random mix of 8 x 15mm figures out of eight different poses (4 archers and 4 pavise bearer - SPEARS NOT INCLUDED) + 4 large reed mats shields:
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS07 - 15mm Assyrian siege troops
SMASS07 - 15mm Assyrian siege troops

15mm Assyrian Cavalry

The Assyrian cavalry in the 9th century BC operated almost the same as light chariots did; a very mobile force lightly equipped and organized in pairs with one soldier holding the reins for both horses while the other shoot with the bow. By the 7th century BC, mounted Assyrian warriors were well armed with both bow and lance and elite corps like the famed kisir sharruti (royal corps) wore lamellar armour, while their mounts were equipped with felt and leather armour, providing protection in close combat and against missiles. The large scope of military action forced the Assyrians to fight in all types of terrain, a condition to which the heavy chariot was ill-suited. Assyrian cavalrymen used the saddle girth, crupper, and breast strap to stabilize the rider, and the horse was controlled by the leg and heel pressure of the boot. (The spur and the stirrup had not yet been invented.) These innovations made possible the first use of mounted archers, the famed 'hurricanes on horseback' mentioned in the Old Testament. In set-piece battle the cavalry was used to pin the enemy flanks and to take up blocking positions to prevent a retreat. Once in position behind the enemy, the cavalry acted as an anvil against which the chariot and infantry units could drive the enemy. The ability of the horse to traverse uneven terrain made the cavalry especially lethal in the pursuit. This same ability made cavalry forces highly flexible and valuable for reconnaissance in force and for providing flank security for the army on the march, two new tactical capabilities. Cavalry will eventually come to dominate the battlefield and to form the core of the later Assyrian armies.

All cavalry packs include a random mix of 4 x 15mm mounted figures out of many different poses (4 horse with rider legs and 4 matching upper bodies). Please note that ALL mounted warriors are equipped also with a bow!

Code: SMASS08
15mm Assyrian heavy cavalry (helmet, lamellar armour and felt horse armour)
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:

Code: SMASS09
15mm Assyrian heavy horse archers (helmet, lamellar armour and felt horse armour)
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:

Code: SMASS10
15mm Assyrian light cavalry
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:

Code: SMASS11
15mm Assyrian light horse archers
EURO€ 4.90 Quantity:
For 28mm or other sizes just
All figures are sold unpainted and some models may require a little assembly.

SMASS08 - 15mm Assyrian heavy cavalry
SMASS09 - 15mm Assyrian heavy horse archers
SMASS10 - 15mm Assyrian light cavalry
SMASS11 - 15mm Assyrian light horse archers


For supporting your Assyrian armies you may also want to hire:
Syro-Canaanite maryannu, Syro-Canaanite archers , Philistine vassal chariots, swordsmen and skirmishers



For detailing your Assyrian camp scene we suggest to use:
Code LGS1, Code LGS2, Code LGS9 and Code 15RCANE01